The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is set to discuss changes to the player retention system ahead of the upcoming IPL 2025 mega auction. Franchise owners will meet on April 16th in Ahmedabad to address a key talking point: increasing the number of players teams can retain.
Currently, franchises are allowed to retain a maximum of four players before a mega auction. This limit, according to some franchises, disrupts team continuity and makes rebuilding difficult. Reports suggest a significant increase in the retention allowance, with some franchises advocating for retaining as many as eight players.
The BCCI is receptive to the idea but acknowledges potential drawbacks. With ten teams vying for talent, a larger retention pool could limit the selection available at auction. This could particularly impact franchises looking for a fresh start.
The upcoming meeting is expected to see lively debate on this topic. Balancing team stability with a competitive auction environment will be a crucial consideration for the BCCI as they finalize the rules for the IPL 2025 mega auction.
Additionally, discussions regarding the salary cap are also on the agenda. Franchises may push for an increase due to the recent hike in IPL’s media rights deals.
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